Friday, September 9, 2011


So on Sunday, as I'm sure you are all remembering, is the anniversary of 911!!  I went to Tempe, AZ, this morning where they were digging in and tagging 2,996 flags...AMAZING...the emotion, love, sincerity and memories are strong as the astonishment and grief of that day!  We all know where we are the minute the news broke!

Anyways here are a few pictures of the peace that is set up for all to pay their respects....the one guy in army fatigues, searched for a tag and then got up on the flag pole to take a picture of the tag he was looking for, his fishing pole in his backpack....spending the day on the water with his thoughts?  Each flag had a name, age and short description of the ones lost to the day....


  1. Great photograghs !! I can hear the silence & emotion through them!

  2. Thank you!!! and yes the sound was almost eerie, but beautiful, and extremely emotional!!! Flags slapping against my skin, the pain seems so juvenile compared to what they represent ! But perhaps a message??


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